Forever Young

Friday, 19 October 2012 ? 0 Atashinchi ?

Its frustrating when guys say "i wish i had a good girl or i want a good girl" let me tell you something. Chances are at one point in time you had a good girl , for the first few weeks everything was great but then you started to take advantage of her . She showed you she cared and you showed you didn't. She was keeping it real with you while you where out with your boys picking up on bitches. She made you the center of her world and in the mean time you showed her attention when it was convenient for you. How do i know ? Cause i've been this girl couple of times. If you want the gift of having a good girl make sure you do what it takes to keep her around. Because chances are she will stick up with your shit only for so long till she's too hurt and walks away just like i did.

Thanks for reading :)

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